Just a few updates on the blog itself going on.
1. As you can see on the right hand column, I've added my twitter feed. I update it way less than I do when I'm home (for now, until I can figure out how to text in updates), but I still thought it was kinda cool.
2. Inspired by MGoBlog, I'm giving a twitter posting auto-bot a try. (Yes autobot, it an Optimus Prime kinda way). If you have twitter, and would like to get a little notice that the doctor is ready to inject the prescribed daily dose of "Passing Through Palermo" into your brain, follow Passingthrough. Feel free to leave comments here as to whether or not this works, is appreciated/cool/egotistical/etc.?
Pics man... Pics?!?!
And yes, I've received the many various and frequent requests for pictures of the fantastic city, and I am working on actually obliging. I literally haven't taken a picture here yet for a number of reasons:
1. I don't want my "face bashed in" and my camera stolen.
1.2. "Face bashed in" was an expression used by a local friend here, but I think he didn't have any better English expression in his repertoire. No one has gotten violently mugged here.
1.3. People have gotten mugged. Seems like there's a two week grace period, followed by a third world reality. 4 people this weekend.
1.4. Have I mentioned I don't want my camera stolen?
2. I have been fully perscribing to the live-life-to-the-fullest-every-moment-mantra here, and haven't wanted to be one of those people who walk around with a camera. I'm not a tourist, and I don't want to look like one.
3. I will probably feel like going and doing touristy things and will want pictures very soon. These things will be posted.
4. I also love taking pictures, and #2 was a tad bit of self-righteous b.s. Heed #1 - 1.4, ignore #2, and now that I'm embracing #5.
5. I can't wait to find time to take pictures. This is a beautiful and unique city.
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